Two day workshop on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a type of goal-oriented psychotherapy aimed at changing maladaptive patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviour. It adopts a problem-focused approach to resolve mental distress. CBT has been widely researched and is found useful in anxiety disorders, depression, psychosis, marital issues, relationship issues etc. CBT is used regularly in combination with other therapeutic practices such as IPSRT, psychoanalysis, DBT, humanistic or experiential therapy. All forms of psychotherapy are often used in combination with medication. CBT has proved its versatility by tending to a range of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, body dysmorphia, eating disorders. CBT can also be used for non-clinical issues, for e.g., addiction, gambling, etc. Unlike medication, CBT will need active and willing participation and effort from the client’s side for it to produce long-term effects. CBT is widely accepted and used by psychologist all over the world and has more than desirable effectiveness rates. It is more effective for certain disorders than it is for others and that is due to the nature of manifestation and individual’s internal and external factors.
Dr. Keerthi Pai
She is a Clinical Psychologist and a CBT Practitioner has an experience of over 17 years as Clinical Psychologist. She completed her M.Phil. In Clinical Psychology in Applied Psychology and PhD in Applied Psychology, where her topic was CBT in adolescents. She has published several articles related to CBT in peer reviewed journals. She is a trained in CBT by Mr. Joseph who charted CBT Practitioner, Australia. She is a Consultant Clinical and Neuro Psychologist in Apollo group of hospitals, Chennai and also the managing partner of Element H Psychological Support Services.
Joseph Mathew
He is a Clinical Psychologist and a trained CBT Practitioner in Australia for the last 12 years. He is trained in both Ellis and Beck tradition of Cognitive therapy. He is a member of Australian Psychological Society (APS), and a member and supervisor of College Clinical Psychologist. He currently continues to focus on supervising students , Training and Private practice.
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₹15,000 (incl. tax)Add to cart
Benefits of the Workshop
- One to One supervision
- Hands on experiential learning
- Real case scenarios
- Discussions on Culture Specific aspects
- Reading materials and E Books
- Continued support for discussion and learning post the workshop.
Who can attend?
- Psychologists
- Psychiatrist
- Professional Social Workers
- Post Graduation and above qualified students of Mental Health