
Intelligence assessments offered by Element H include Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), Bhatia’s Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), Adaptive Progress Monitoring (APM), among others. We also offer NEO Personality Test, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Computerised Adaptive Testing (CAT), the 16 Personality Factors Test, the Rorschach test, and the like.


A Psychometric assessment analyzes a candidate’s performance including (but not limited to) their skills, attitude, personality, mental ability, etc., to determine how far they are able to meet certain requirements or standards determined, e.g., for a specific position, via use of questionnaires, personality tests, and assessment of their educational achievements.

There are two main types
  • Psychometric Test
  • Aptitude
The key benefits of using
  • Accurately tests general intelligence of individuals.
  • Provides greater insight into a prospective candidate’s personality and ability.
  • Helps choose able candidates who can be quickly and easily integrated into any stage of the hiring process.
  • Helps save time & money in the recruitment process.


Personality assessment involves administration, evaluation/scoring, and interpretation of empirically supported measures (from evidence-based practices) of emotional states, attitudes, personality traits and styles. It includes any technique used to make inferences about the personal characteristics, beliefs, values, aspirations, needs, motives, coping styles, etc. of an individual. Personality assessment is used for a wide range of purposes including the identification and description of personal characteristics among normal individuals as well as the assessment of abnormal personality in patients in order to enhance clinical diagnoses, structure and inform psychological interventions, and increase the accuracy of behavioural prediction in a variety of contexts and settings, such as clinical, forensic, organisational and educational settings.

There are two main types
  • Personality tests (self-report inventories)
  • Projective tests.


An intelligence test is an individually administered test used to determine a person’s level of intelligence by measuring their ability to form concepts, reason, solve problems, learn, acquire detail, deal with novel situations, or perform other intellectual tasks. It collectively measures the cognitive abilities such as action, association, language, memory, comprehension fluency etc. Musical ability, logical-mathematical, body-kinaesthetic, intrapersonal, personal aspects are also assessed.
At Element H we use it as a tool to understand variations in humans and their perception of the environment. We conduct intelligence tests either to individuals or groups. They can be categorised as verbal or non-verbal based on the format. Intelligence quotient, commonly called as IQ, is a commonly used denominator in psychological testing. It is determined by one’s performance on a standardised intelligence test relative to the average performance of others in the same age group. 


Attitude assessment measures counter-productive behaviours such as aggression, dependability, etc., during the pre-employment screening process. Attitude is a person’s implicit response or predisposition to another person, objects, ideas, values or situations in their social surroundings. It involves affective, cognitive and action components. Attitude is one of the most important ingredients in career success.
At Element H, we design questionnaires to indicate the intensity, salience and direction of feelings. Attitude scales are designed to measure the range of feelings from the lowest to the highest on certain parameters. Attitudes are tested through options that range between positive–negative, pro–anti, liking–disliking, etc. Several details are carefully prepared, selected and edited on the basis of some criteria. A well designed and properly validated assessment is a psychometrically sound instrument to measure attitudes. Techniques such as Method of equal-appearing intervals, Method of summative ratings, Error Choice Technique, Free Response Technique, Paired Comparisons, and Opinion Polling are the most used in attitude or opinion research.

Career Guidance

Career assessment is a survey or test given to map an individual’s personality, interests, skills, core values and determine whether they align with certain careers. It is a scientific tool that helps to identify career interest, passion and abilities. Essentially, the client takes a career assessment, and it will narrow down several options of careers that might be suitable or good for that person. It is a test of measurement of an individual’s potential to play a critical role in a particular job position. Such tests take very little time to be completed. Career assessments tap into personality and aptitude, such as abilities, working style and skill set. They serve as an invaluable tool for making an informed career choice by finding out about one’s likes and dislikes. When coupled with multiple tailored questions designed to obtain a deep insight, a career counselling assessment can help individuals find a career matched with their attributes and abilities. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us



To decide whether a young person may be experiencing an anxiety disorder, an assessment is required.  A comprehensive assessment involves asking questions about a range of aspects of a person’s life including their home and environment, education and employment, activities, drugs and alcohol, relationships, and sexuality, conduct difficulties and risk-taking, anxiety and eating, depression symptoms and suicide risk, psychosis and mania symptoms.
Depression tests are often provided in the form of a questionnaire. A mental health professional may ask the questions orally or an individual may be asked to read and answer the questions on a paper or a digital device. It is not possible to judge that someone has depression merely based on their answers alone as the test won’t account for other possible reasons behind an individual’s answers. A depression screening doesn’t diagnose depression but only indicates if symptoms of depression are present and may warrant further evaluation.

Learning Disability

To ascertain a person has learning disability, learning disability assessment gathers pertinent data regarding that person’s areas of strength and challenges. Depending on the clinic or the individual giving the assessment, the process may vary, but most assessments involve screening, evaluation, diagnosis, and recommendations. Learning Disability assessments are used when people experience significant difficulties at work or school that keep them from achieving their professional and/or academic goals; when people experience significant difficulties in daily life, such as managing relationships, managing finances, and making decisions; or when people want to understand why they have always had trouble learning and remembering information.

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