Child Counselling

Child counselling is a type of therapy that focuses on young children, teens and adolescents with one or more mental illnesses. It is an effective tool that helps deal with any mental health condition/issues of children in a healthy and productive way. Through Child Counselling, our experts at Element H offer support to youths who have experienced trauma and/or who are experiencing a dysfunctional or stressful home environment.

We help children work through
  • Confusion
  • Divorce in family
  • Bullying
  • Physical abuse
  • Substance abuse and relocation among others
  • Anxiety caused due to the death of a loved one.
  • Their emotions so as to assist them in leading a normal, healthy life without the lasting effects of fear

Issues need to be addressed early as delays in treatment can persist well into adulthood and have a lasting impact on a child’s developmental milestones.

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